Constituton Project, Inc.

The Mission: Constitution Project, Inc., a Florida non-profit, was founded by Joseph Cofield, for the purpose of putting a copy of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence in the hands of every 5th grade student in Florida. That is a huge task, as there are over 200,000 5th graders in 67 different Florida counties, but progress ​ is being made thanks to Joseph's extraordinary efforts!

The How: Joseph began his mission in April 2014 and since then, many amazing things have happened. To gather support for his mission, in April of 2015 he began his 27 - 67 Journey Across Florida - visiting each of the 67 Florida counties, riding his bike 21 miles and running 6 in each county (one mile for each of the 27 Amendments). That is over 1,800 difficult miles meeting with state and county officials, school personnel and service organizations.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Constitutional Academy for a deserving high school student...

December 11, 2015

If you know a student who just loves the Constitution, I would encourage you to pass this information along to the student and other teachers. The Constitution Academy is a great way to learn more about the Constitution and have a great time in Washington D. C. during the summer.

Please see the link and information below:

Constitutional Academy

Are you a current high school sophomore, junior, or senior interested in government, civics, public policy, journalism, history, or economics?
Are you involved in leadership roles and extra-curricular activities?
Do you like debate and discussion?
Yes? Constitutional Academy is the perfect summer program for you! 

This annual program brings students together from across the country to Washington, D.C. where participants engage in deep discussions on critical issues, interact with scholars, policy makers, and thought leaders, visit places of historical significance, and much more!

Applications will be accepted beginning December 1, 2015 and will remain open until May 1, 2016. Acceptances are made on a rolling basis, so apply as soon as possible!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Is it possible to have the obession with STEM and learn good citizenship as well...?

December 10, 2015

After taking a day off to enjoy my official birthday, I wanted to share with my readers and followers of my blog something very near and dear to my heart.

Again I must credit my good friend Cory for sharing this wonderful article. I would highly encourage you to follow the link below. It is something that I shared along my journey across Florida and now it is great to see it print for the nation to view:

The question I asked, is it possible to have the obsession with STEM and learn good citizenship as well? I believe that it better be. A perfect example, I can cite for you from first hand experience.

I was driving back to Naples after a long trip around the counties of Pasco, Hernando, Citrus, and Sumter. When I back into the Tampa area it hit me that I would not get beyond Hillsborough County on this evening. I stopped at one of my favorite rest spots which on this day happened to be the Sleep Inn.

During breakfast, I had the honor of meeting a very bright middle school student and his father. The young man had a very nice remote car that he had designed and had entered in a STEM contest. He was very proud of his accomplishment and I was of course equally if not more impressed. I listened as he explained his excitement for engineering and being selected to be in the STEM program.

As you well know, I can never allow a moment to past without mentioning the Constitution and thus this time would be on differently. The student explained how it he was advanced a grade and actually skipped the 7th grade and was now in the 8th grade and doing well at this new school. Since he could not have had the opportunity to take the Civics Education test I asked him a few basic question of the Constitution which he got incorrect.

However, I took the time to explain to him why knowing these answers were important in his overall growth he beamed with equal excitement about the Constitution. I gave his a copy of the Constitution booklet that had and he appeared so excited to know more about the Constitution as well. As a matter of fact at least for this moment, he placed his model car aside and started thumbing through the Constitution booklet and as he was driving away from the hotel with his father I could see that he was still quizzing his father on some of those questions about the Constitution located in the middle of the booklet.

The answer is yes the students still want to learn about citizenship and all those other things which will make them complete adults. Therefore, I would challenge the education officials, educators, and parents to make sure that teaching about our history, government, and other social sciences are not left out of the curriculum as we push the STEM because I do know for sure that STEM is nothing new but rather another buzz word for preparing the youth for a brighter future. However, I plead with you never forget the importance of teaching about citizenship and those social science courses.

Donna Krache recorded in her article, "Little change from 2010 in the assessments in U.S. History, Geography and Civics, 'still lees than one-third of eighth-graders were at or above proficient', in Geography (27%), even lower in U. S. History (18%), and Civics (23%)." I do get Ms. Krache's point that our kids need to know more about the history, government, geography and economics that impact their daily lives.

I have found that teaching and giving out these Constitution booklets are effective ways to help expand the knowledge of our students. Therefore, I challenge you the readers and followers of this blog to let those decision makers know that STEM and good CITIZENSHIP are all things our students will need to be taught in order to be productive members of our society.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Update on Reunion/Celebration of the Constitution on June 13-17, 2016...

December 7, 2015  - Part 1

Do we dare to think of a celebration on Pearl Harbor Day? Yes, we can and yes we do!

Why because on this day the enemy attempted to test our resolve and even worse attacked our soil and dared the American Citizens to do something about it. Well the nation rallied together on December 7, 1941 and the young men and women came to the aid of their nation along with the entire nation to defend our "Freedom and Our Way of Live."

Congress with the call from the President and American People declared war on Japan the next day, December 8, 1941. What the enemy understood to be weakness and fear turned into the shaping of another page of the unity of the people in a belief and common goal. The American people understood our Constitution and values were at stake and everyone came together to do their part in winning the war.

Thus, you will understand why on this day I indeed stand calling to each and everyone who is willing and able to come join me during the week of June 13-17, 2016 and join in celebration of our James Madison Fellows Reunion and Celebration of the Constitution.

In order that I do not take away from the importance of this day, I decided to make this a two part blog. Therefore, you will find Part 1 in Memory and Salute to our brave men and women; as we observe our National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

It is because of this day that both our friend and enemy understood that we as a nation will always fight for our "Freedom and Our Way of Live." We rallied on December 7, 1941 and overcame great odds to win and we will do the same in June because the Constitution truly is the symbol of our freedom and equally important "The Constitution is our Contract with America."

The Constitution is our Contract with America


Thursday, December 3, 2015

John Brown with a view you probably did not find in the history book...

December 3, 2015

I was so focused on December 15, 2015 that I almost forgot one of the most known event in the history of our nation that led up to the Civil War.

Thanks to my dear friend Cory Vasek, James Madison Fellow Nebraska, I have another primary source of an event of history to share with you from the Gilder Lehrman Collection.

John Brown Executed: On This Day, December 2

On December 2, 1859, John Brown went to the gallows for his failed raid on the arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown was a polarizing figure. In the image to the left, based on an incident reported in the New York Tribune that later proved to be apocryphal, he appears almost saintlike. Contrast that portrayal with this wild-eyed portrait by Ole Peter Hansen Balling.
Left: The Last Moments of John Brown, by Thomas Hovenden (Metropolitan Museum of Art); Right: John Brown, by Ole Peter Hansen Balling (National Portrait Gallery)Left: The Last Moments of John Brown, by Thomas Hovenden (Metropolitan Museum of Art); Right: John Brown, by Ole Peter Hansen Balling (National Portrait Gallery)

The raid on Harpers Ferry was not Brown’s first foray into slavery-related violence. After the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, supporters of both slavery and free labor flooded into the territory of Kansas, where violence soon erupted. Rival governments of anti-slavery settlers and pro-slavery Missouri transplants battled it out to claim popular sovereignty in favor of their side. In retaliation for the sack of the free-state town of Lawrence on May 21, 1856, the abolitionist John Brown led a brutal attack on a pro-slavery settlement at Pottawatomie Creek. The violence alienated many anti-slavery backers.
Mahala Doyle to John Brown, November 20, 1859 (Gilder Lehrman Collection) Mahala Doyle to John Brown, November 20, 1859 (Gilder Lehrman Collection)
Brown and six followers killed five men, hacking at them with broadswords and cutting their throats before shooting them. Mahala Doyle, the wife and mother of three of Brown’s victims, expressed her bitterness and pain in this letter to John Brown. She sent it to him in November 1859 as he awaited execution after the Harpers Ferry raid. Below is a transcript of her letter.
Chattanooga Tennessee
20th November 1859.
John Brown
                        Altho vengence is not mine, I confess, that I do feel gratified to hear that you ware stopt in your fiendish career at Harper’s Ferry, with the loss of your two sons, you can now appreciate my distress, in Kansas, when you then and there entered my house at midnight and arrested my husband and two boys and took them out of the yard and in cold blood shot them dead in my hearing, you cant say you done it to free our slaves, we had none and never expected to own one, but has only made me a poor disconsolate widow with helpless children while I feel for your folly. I do hope & trust that you will meet your just reward. O how it pained my Heart to hear the dying groans of my Husband and children if this scrawl give you any consolation you are welcome to it                                                                                                                           Mahala Doyle
NB my son John Doyle whose life I begged of (you) is now grown up and is very desirous to be at Charleston on the day of your execution would certainly be there if his means would permit it, that he might adjust the rope around your neck if gov: wise would permit it
                                                                                 M. Doyle.
Gilder Lehrman is really a great source for primary sources as you can see from the written letter of Mahala Doyle to John Brown, November 20, 1859.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Comparison of Non-Profit CEO compensation and how much of each contriubted Really goes to do good...

 December 1, 2015

27 -67 Constitution Project shared Glenda Feilen's photo.

I just wanted you to know where your money goes! Many of the Non-Profits fill a great need within the society. It is just that sometime one must remind the CEO of those organizations that the funds collected should go to meet the ones in need. Please do not stop supporting these much needed organizations but rather drop in and see the CEO of the NPO you have problem with and just have the CEO salary be justified to you by organization directors.

27 -67 Constitution - CEO has NO salary. Amount of each dollar that goes to the youth for Constitution booklets $1.00.

Pretty good return on your donation.

Glenda Feilen
This is the season of giving. Check out who gives the most of your dollar: