Constituton Project, Inc.

The Mission: Constitution Project, Inc., a Florida non-profit, was founded by Joseph Cofield, for the purpose of putting a copy of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence in the hands of every 5th grade student in Florida. That is a huge task, as there are over 200,000 5th graders in 67 different Florida counties, but progress ​ is being made thanks to Joseph's extraordinary efforts!

The How: Joseph began his mission in April 2014 and since then, many amazing things have happened. To gather support for his mission, in April of 2015 he began his 27 - 67 Journey Across Florida - visiting each of the 67 Florida counties, riding his bike 21 miles and running 6 in each county (one mile for each of the 27 Amendments). That is over 1,800 difficult miles meeting with state and county officials, school personnel and service organizations.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

My last leg of the journey across Florida...

September 12, 2015

I have finally covered the Central Parts of Florida and touched each County from the North East farthest point of Florida to the South East farthest tip.

Those of you who have been waiting until I completed my other journey across the counties I will catch you up on all the fun in next few days.

I do want to share with that I promised to cover each of the 67 Counties and to spread the word about the United States Constitution with hope that we get enough support for the 200,000 fifth grade students in our Sunshine State.

Attached below is a check starting us on the way to those 200,000 students getting Constitution booklets in their hands:

The PEN of Florida Contributed $300.00 as part of the Match Fund that we got in our last Fundraiser. The Staff and members of PEN made it possible for n0w 600 of the 200,000 youth to have Constitution booklets.
We are going to obtain the goal of getting those 200,000.

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